王海震 “王”者归来

HAIZHENWANG 18AW系列上海时装周全球首发

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王海震 “王”者归来


28th, March – Shanghai, China

Internationally acclaimed London-based fashion designer Haizhen Wang is showcasing his latest AW 2018 collection with concept “Revived” at Hall A, Taipinghu Park, XINTIANDI, Shanghai. This is the first time Haizhen Wang choses Shanghai Fashion Week to make his global launch since established his eponymous label in 2010. Powered by XCOMMONS, the runway show casts an unprecedented fashion feast for China fashion industry.


“王者”归来 2018秋冬系列全球首发

不同于以往,HAIZHENWANG 2018秋冬系列不再定调为继伦敦时装周后的归国展演,而是首次以上海时装周作为全球首发之地。全新秋冬系列的灵感汲取自中世纪欧洲庄园仕女衣著以及田园生活意趣,将乡村与宫廷画案等古典元素重新诠释及延伸,展现出民族复兴的全新调性。整个系列以“Revived复兴”为题,设计师王海震希望透过复古款式的延伸和中性色调间的重新调配,能唤起世人对过往的回望。同时,这样的理念也正是王海震对于现代时装的蓬勃发展、过度依赖于夸张与变形的深刻反思,希望能藉由这一系列作品背后回望过往的意涵,去探寻万物的原始初衷与纯粹美感。


The Return & Global Launch of AW 2018 Collection

Differ from the past; this is the first time for Haizhen Wang to do the global launch in Shanghai Fashion Week instead of in London. HAIZHENWANG AW 2018 collection is inspired by the European agricultural women's flower farming clothing and farming state, and extends the classical elements such as village and court painting, bringing the new tonality of national rejuvenation. With theme of “Revived”, from the retro style of the extension and the neutral color palette hopes to awaken people to the past. At the same time, it is also the designer's reflection on the excessive reliance on exaggeration and distortion for the development of modern fashion, hoping to look back and find the beauty of the original and the essence of the past.


本次全新系列时装秀中的另一难能可贵成就,便是全球领先的数字支付公司公司 Visa 首度携手中国设计师展开跨界合作,透过时装与科技间的对话进而诠释彼此对现代生活的理解。

Crossover with Visa is another notable achievement this time. This is the first time that Visa cooperates with Chinese designer. Both parties interpret their acknowledgment of modern life through dialogue between fashion and technology. 





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